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La paz de Dios guarde su corazón. Su servidor en el Señor, Homero Shappley de Álamo


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Editorial La Paz

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Peace Publishers. Index N of moral, spiritual, Bible and religion materials in various formats.


World directory of churches of Christ www.churchofchrist.cc

Churches of Christ in the United States www.21stcc.com/ccusa/

www.apologeticspress.org  Much material on many, many Bible subjects. Special emphasis on the defense of the existence of God and the inspiration of the Bible.

Studies in the Bible and related subjects. Articles, tracts and Bible class guides. Slides for PowerPoint. PDF's. On this site.

Alphabetical Index of Subjects



A work of churches of Christ

Moral   |  Spiritual  |   Bible  |  Religion

Articles   PowerPoint   Tracts en PDF



This graphic of planet Earth in space with cities and other emblems on the surface around the circumference and a moon on the horizon illustrates Index N of subjects on Peace Publishers, in editoriallapaz.org.


Key words beginning with the letter…



Naked "spirit-soul"

Part 3 The Unhappy Space Flight of Starman in His Tesla Roadster to an Encounter with Eventual Total Destruction. The Pleasant Flight of the Pure Soul-Spirit to PARADISE, its Second Landing in Celestial Places. These are the major subjects of Part 3 of the Analogy between the Flight of the Falcon Heavy and the Flight of the Soul-Spirit. Some life-orienting subjects and Bible texts are:

The form and appearance of the Pure Soul-Spirit when it puts off its earthly physical body and enters spiritual regions. The apostle Paul represents it as “naked.” Analysis of 2 Corinthians 5:1-8. “…clothed… not… NAKED.”

Does the Pure Soul-Spirit that has just left the deceased physical body have “substance and form?” Analysis of 1 Thessalonians 5:23. The meaning of “…the spirit” returns “to God that gave it,” in Ecclesiastes 12:7. In the case of the Soul-Spirit that has left the dead physical body, his right of free will is revoked!

The meaning of “…it has not yet been revealed what we shall be,” in 1 John 3:2.

The form, shape and appearance of God who is Spirit.

Locomotion of the Soul-Spirit just freed from the physical body. “…carried by the angels to Abraham’s side.” “My desire is to DEPART and be with Christ.”  “…I know that the putting off of my body will be soon.” After Souls-Spirits come out of deceased physical bodies, do they have self-locomotion? Actions preprogramed in the Soul-Spirit.

The Soul-Spirit of the person who dies “in the Lord” shall not come into judgment.” It “will not be judged.” This is what Jesus Christ teaches in John 5:25.

The jubilant Flight to Paradise!

Paradise! “What no eye has seen, nor ear Heard, nor the heart of man conceived…” “I know a man in Christ who… was caught up into Paradise...”

Where is Starman and the Tesla Roadster as of the present?

Many more commentaries and applications.


National Geographic discredits Christianity

Catastrophism -End of the World, Rapture, Wrath of God, Final Judgment. Four examples published by National Geographiconline, on the occasion of Harold Camping's prediction about May 21, 2011. Subtle Insinuations that all Christians are more or less like Camping and his followers. The huge injustice of lumping all Christians into one category and judging them by the most scatter brained, infantile and hypocritical. "Our commentary" follows each of the examples. "Hale-Boppalypse" -Tragedy in Los Angeles associated with the appearance of the Hale-Bogg comet in 1997. "Man-made Black Hole" -Some scientists feared The Large Hadron Collider might produce one that would consume the Earth.  "1666: Judgment by Fire" -The Great London Fire. The number 666 and the wrath of God. "Planetary Alignments: Doomsday Omens" -The conjunction of various planets, the sun and the moon in the year 2000. Predictions of disastrous effects on the Earth.  May 31, 2011. The original version of this study was in Spanish.


Nature. Phenomena of nature.

Benefits of Hurricanes, Floods, Tornados, Earthquakes and Similar Phenomena of Nature. Benefits? What “benefits?” Rather, terrible losses! Nevertheless, one or another benefit. They educate regarding where not to build dwelling places, urbanizations, businesses, factories, etc. About materials and techniques to be used to avoid so much loss of material resources and lives. Lessons for the poor of the world. Warnings and lessons for impresarios greedy for excessive gain. “Nature” and “Common Sense” are very effective, sensible teachers. Prudent men and women build on a rock-solid foundation; the foolish, on sand or earth, without a foundation. Benefits and punishments without respect of persons. Hurricane Harvey: Punishment on Texas and Houston for the elections of 2016? Or on Houston for having an aggressive lesbian mayor for years? Punishments and lessons for the good and the bad. After the blows of destructive natural phenomena… many blessings! Many lessons! After times of wrong-living… sickness… death… possibilities for great blessings! Fleeing from hurricanes. Fleeing from temptations. Cursing destructive natural phenomena or learning from them? They lead to a fork in the road of life, with three options requiring a supremely important decision. Different faces of nature’s destructive monsters. Prepare in time and for the worst! A new World free of destructive forces!


JEWS TODAY Missing out? Seeing present-day signs for which they themselves are responsible, but missing their meaning and significance. Jerusalem freed from Gentile rule, June 5-10, 1967. A sign for Jews and Gentiles. “Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” Jesus prophecy fulfilled. His credentials as Prophet validated. Jews today should see it. Jews today who have given up on God and a Messiah. Jews who have not given up but are blinded by the offensive crucifix. Roman Catholicism is not the religion of the prophet of Nazareth. Testimony of Hans Küng, Roman Catholic historian. Persecutions of Jews by Catholics. Jews today honor-bound to search pass apostate Christianity for the true Jesus and his spiritual kingdom. Hundreds of thousands of Jews have been convinced Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah, including many, many rulers and priests. NICODEMUS and Joseph of Arimathea. God’s providential protection of the Jewish people. Their astonishing history of survival. Why? Reasons given. The “fulness of the Gentiles” has come in. Another sign before our eyes. Gentiles turning away from God in vast numbers. Neither Jews nor Gentiles should miss these signs. Time, now, to ACT! Or forever miss out on the blessings promised.




Alphabetical Index of Subjects

Studies in the Bible and related subjects. Articles, tracts and Bible class guides. Slides for PowerPoint. PDF's. On this site.

World directory of churches of Christ www.churchofchrist.cc

Churches of Christ in the United States www.21stcc.com/ccusa/

www.apologeticspress.org  Much material on many, many Bible subjects. Special emphasis on the defense of the existence of God and the inspiration of the Bible.