Complete Stats on materials produced by the Shappley’s and Fruits registered

Report from Dewayne and Rita Shappley

January, 2013

Such a powerful combination! A laptop, an Internet connection, an Internet provider and the determination to use this technology to further God’s cause on the earth. Today, I prepare a Bible study, upload it to our site, or sites, and within a short time it is available to scores of millions.

Such a powerful combination! A laptop, an Internet connection, an Internet provider and the determination to use this technology to further God’s cause on the earth. Today, I prepare a Bible study, upload it to our site, or sites, and within a short time it is available to scores of millions.

About reports for the year 2013

I have sent several “Brief Reports” to those for whom I have e-mail addresses. They highlight only some of the developments in the work and the fruits thereof. As e-mails have come in this year, I have not only answered them but also translated most of the ones I want to share with you. Since there are so many, it occurred to me to prepare a full report for each month and place it on our Internet site, starting with this one for January, 2013. When each one is ready, I will send an e-mail with the link to it. Once I am caught up with the first seven months of this year, for future months the goal will be to send a report soon after each month ends. If the elderships of supporting churches wish to make the reports available to the general membership, links could be published in bulletins. Printing and mailing the reports is a time consuming process, but I do plan to print the ones for this year as soon as I can get all the material together.


Guatemala. From Catholic, to Mormon, to the House of God of Cash Luna, to a “small, humble church, though a giant in the truth and sound, biblical, fundamental doctrine.”

-Villa Nueva, Guatemala. Jan. 05, 2013. “My name is Homero Rafael Echeverría Galindo. I am 43 years old. I live in Guatemala. Married, five children and a lovely wife, and a lovely marriage the Lord has given me. I live in the area of Villa Nueva, and I want to tell you I am very thankful to God for having taken me out of a mega church called the ‘House of God,’ which held me and my family captive in its tentacles (cells), wringing blood out of me, that is, sheering me of my wool, of my CA$H, and leaving me on the LUNA [moon] with regard to understanding the true gospel and salvation. [Note. A neet play on the name of a famous, or infamous, Guatemalan preacher of the prosperity gospel. Of all things, his name is Cash Luna, a real clown and charlatan if there ever was one, with a hoard of followers both in his country and others.] And I also give thanks to God for people like you who are concerned enough to denounce such horrendous abuses by these wolf ministers, fraudulent merchandisers of the faith of ingenious and incautious ‘Christians’ such as I once was. God bless you, keep you and prosper you. After leaving there, I was at the point of going back into the world, for I was very disillusioned and sad on account of those who say they are ‘evangelical Christians.’ Before anything, I was a Catholic, and I fled from the great whore. Then, for some years, I was a Mormon, but again discovered lies, deceit and swindling. From there I also fled. Then, I came to the evangelical church and the ‘House of God,’ of Ca$h Luna. And… that appeared to me something much worse, horrible and blasphemous, [considering] what this character does with his blind followers. And now I know there remain some evangelical churches that have not become rotten with that terrible, false gospel of material prosperity. Now I [continue] to meet, but with a small, humble church, though a giant in the truth and sound, biblical, fundamental doctrine. God bless all of you. From this day, I desire blessings for you, and if I may be of help in any way within my possibilities, count on me. Sincerely, Homero R. E. G.” [Well, there seem to be few men in the Spanish-speaking world with the name “Homero,” this one from Guatemala being one of them, and, of course, I am one of them, being known to most as “Homero,” by simply adding an “o” to my first name “Homer.”]

-Place not identified. Jan. 09, 2013. Referring to Bible class guides on some portions of Romans, José Antonio Jurado Vega says: “Excellent and very useful.” Referer: ""

-Place not identified. Jan. 10, 2013. “Very interesting and with immensely valuable content for those seekers interested in learning more and knowing more about the Word of God and the church.” Tony Duarte

-Bogotá, Colombia. Jan. 11, 2013. “Beloved Brother Homero de Álamo, ¡may overflowing blessings be with the church of Christ in Puerto Rico! I write to ask how I may make a contribution, for I do not have a credit card. Is there another way? I need to collaborate with your ministry for it edifies me so very, very much day after day. With Christian love, Olga María Gómez [Note. Olga was converted in 2012 through materials on our Site.]

Fredy Muñoz, of Medellín, Colombia, desires to be baptized.

-Medellín, Colombia. Jan. 12, 2013. “Hello. I am Fredy Muñoz and I salute you in Christ Jesus. Please, my desire is to find a church here in Medellín that does not ask for tithes, only contributions, so that I may attend. I will be thankful for any help you may give me. Blessings for you. I desire to follow Christ according to the Bible and be baptized in his Name. Many thanks.”  Fredy Muñoz [We sent Fredy the information we have in the Directory for Colombia –at least four congregations in Medellín. His e-mail was also forwarded to the four. We do not yet know if he has obeyed the gospel.]

-Caguas, Puerto Rico. Jan. 14, 2013. At our suggestion, Jesús Germán, of the Gurabo, Puerto Rico congregation, began an Internet site. Translated: Servants of Jesucristo. [This link in English is not valid.] It had registered 700 visits as of the second week of January. Dominican by birth, Jesús is so outstanding in cellular telephone technology and related fields that a company in Puerto Rico brought him over to work for them. He has been a Christian since he was fourteen or fifteen, and studied more than three years at a leadership training school of the church of Christ in Santo Domingo before moving to Puerto Rico. At our own School of Advanced Bible Studies, he participates in studies for Post Graduates and is now in charge of materials for the second hour, of three, each Monday night.

-Place not identified. Jan. 15, 2013. “Well, first, may Jehovah bless you. I have read this document and have liked it a lot. It helps us very much to understand God.” Reference is to a part of the extensive study on Revelation. Referer: ""

-Venezuela. Jan. 15, 2013. “Excellent message.” Pastor Didier Piamo. [The “Referer” on the Comment Form shows Didier has reference to the sermon “The Weapons of Light.” Complete text on our Site.]Referer: ""

-Place unknown. Jan. 21, 2013. “A marvelous doctrinal reply to the questionings of Pastor Ivan. I bless the life of the one who gave the answer and I am in complete agreement with the exposition in this article as an answer.”  Mauricio Mora [There are scores and scores of exchanges on our site on many subjects. Thanks to the way the Form for Comments is now set up, we are provided a link to the exchange he read. It was about the abolition of the old law and the introduction of the new.] Referer: ""

Jaime A. Jiménez Jaimes baptized in Bucaramanga, Colombia

An article written by him published on our Site

-Bucaramanga, Colombia. Jan. 23, 2013. “Good day, beloved brethren. I greet you with intense happiness, for at last I have found the inner strength to express sentiments and thoughts that are molding my new life in Christ Jesus, through the grace received by means of repentance and baptism, according to what is established.

This is a personal witness by means of which I set forth a difficult situation I am going through with regard to my marriage. Five years ago, my wife initiated me in the search for the ways of the Lord. After being in various sectarian churches (I did not understand what that meant before), one day when I was full of unrest and anxiety after attending a retreat, I humbled myself and made a profound request to God that he would show me the correct way, his Truth.

It was thus that I went to the Pages of Editorial La Paz [our Web site], without anyone showing them to me or telling me they existed. I simply felt a great spiritual emptiness, for, after attending worship services, my anxiety grew, as well as my uncertainty. Even without having the knowledge that is obtained by reading the Bible, I felt that what I was hearing was not right. I knew in my heart that the message was flawed, but did not know why or how. For that reason, I had never been baptized, and although I was beginning a course [of classes for baptism] I decided not to attend any more.

To the degree that I continued reading, I felt literally that all the pieces which had been missing in my spiritual puzzle began to appear and, little by little, fall in place. And to the degree I continued learning, and meditated on all the articles, I had the clear vision that this was the way I searched for.

It was thus, by means of the directory [Directory of churches in Colombia on our Site], that I found the church of Christ in Bucaramanga, where I immediately attended the next Sunday with my wife, and from that time (November, 2012) have not missed. Unfortunately, I did not take into account the shock this totally different way of preaching and different kind of congregation would cause to my wife. From a child, she was educated in the Pentecostal church.”

[In my reply to Jaime Jiménez, I requested he confirm he had been baptized in the church in Bucaramanga. He responded as follows.]

-Jan. 26, 2013. “I greet you once again, very thankful for your words which are a comfort to me at this time, for they are a reflection of the love of God in all the members of his church.

With gladness and rejoicing, I share with you that, independently of how difficult all this process I have been going through has been, from the beginning the Holy Spirit showed me clearly the correct way, and fulfilling the command of our Lord Jesus Christ, I was baptized in January of this year with the help of evangelists Hernán Rueda, Ricardo Martínez and other brethren of the church, who have received me with immense love and appreciation. Their example has helped me to understand the true labor of servants and leaders of the church of Christ.

My baptism, meeting with the brethren and my continuous reading of the Word is what has given me strength to persevere in the Faith, and go forward, for I see clearly the goal, the prize and the hope of salvation for those who believe. I am also certain I am fulfilling the perfect Divine Plan of our beloved God, and that he will guide my life. I am willing to serve him unconditionally during my remaining days, and if my testimony is helpful to others may they see the reflection of Christ in my life, for I am a new creature.

Before having the blessing of knowing the content of your Web, I did not know how to obtain praises and spiritual hymns, but I have now downloaded the beautiful collection recorded by Brother Antonio Shappley and they really do fulfill their purpose, bringing spiritual peace to those who listen to them. A special greeting to him also.” Jaime A. Jiménez Jaimes

-Note. The first time Jaime wrote –Jan. 23, 2013- later in that day he sent a rather long treatise on why he had left the prosperity gospel movement, as well as Pentecostalism in general. I decided to publish part of it, making it available at:

-Place not identified. Jan. 24, 2013. “I wanted to congratulate you, for this Web Page is very good. I needed help with a Bible course I am working on with regard to the gift of tongues and prophecy, and through the explanation you present I was able to complete it. Many thanks. Blessings.” María Bentancor

-El Salvador. Jan. 26, 2013. “May God bless you, esteemed brethren in Christ. I am a theology student at the Bethel Bible Institute of the Assemblies of God in El Salvador. I am taking a class on Daniel and Revelation, and as I was gathering information for a task, came to your site, and I am very interested in the information on Revelation and Daniel. Is the material free? If it is, may I download it? If I use any portion of the material, I will make reference to your Web site, or to the author.”  Leonel Valladares [Of course, the material is free.]

-El Salvador. Jan. 30, 2013. “Many thanks, brethren, for being a blessing to all the brothers and sisters in the Republic of El Salvador and the world. We salute you and encourage you to continue forward.” Gerber Reyes

-Place unknown. Jan. 30, 2013. Excelent article. Exactly what I was talking about with a brother in the faith who concentrates a lot on the law. After talking with him basically about the same, I went online when I got home… and walaaa [I will translate that “bingo”]… this marvelous study that confirmed what we spoke about in my office. Many thanks, and may God bless you.” Eric Roig [Note. The “Referer” element shows Eric had reference to the fundamental study on “The Two Testaments.”]

These are selected from the positive entries for January. I also respond to almost all the negative ones, in some cases preparing studies in response to requests for more information, explain or clarify points of controversy, correct wrong impressions about our spiritual identity and what we are trying to accomplish, etc. Studies or exchanges of this nature are usually added to the resources on our Site.

Internet Stats

January, 2013

-Total visits for January: 122,066

-Daily average of visits: 3,939

-Page views (documents opened): 223,911

Grand Totals through January 31, 2013

-Grand Total of visits (Jan. 01, 2003 through Jan. 31, 2013): 10,194,209

-Grand Total of Page Views (documents opened) for the same period: 20,878,998


José Pérez Cardona, 43 years old, was baptized in Bayamón, Puerto Rico the first Sunday of January, 2013. His wife, Miledis, was baptized during her youth in the Dominican Republic. Miledis’ mother, Angela, was baptized in Bayamón last year. This family, which includes three children, has been attending several years. Though he looks quite healthy, José suffers from multiple sclerosis. He and Miledis worked in his parents’ businesses in San Juan, two restaurants and a pharmacy, but the restaurants went bankrupt, causing considerable financial loss to all involved.

José Pérez Cardona, 43 years old, was baptized in Bayamón, Puerto Rico the first Sunday of January, 2013. His wife, Miledis, was baptized during her youth in the Dominican Republic. Miledis’ mother, Angela, was baptized in Bayamón last year. This family, which includes three children, has been attending several years. Though he looks quite healthy, José suffers from multiple sclerosis. He and Miledis worked in his parents’ businesses in San Juan, two restaurants and a pharmacy, but the restaurants went bankrupt, causing considerable financial loss to all involved.

Dewayne Shappley, on the right, and Jorge Ginés López, on the left, baptize José Pérez Cardona. Often, two of us enter the baptistery for baptisms, especially in the case of the elderly or infirm. This was Jorge’s first experience.

Dewayne Shappley, on the right, and Jorge Ginés López, on the left, baptize José Pérez Cardona. Often, two of us enter the baptistery for baptisms, especially in the case of the elderly or infirm. This was Jorge’s first experience.


Complete Stats on materials produced by the Shappley’s and Fruits registered


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