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La paz de Dios guarde su corazón. Su servidor en el Señor, Homero Shappley de Álamo


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Tracts to Evangelize and Edify. List, with links.


Fifteen Tracts to
Evangelize and Edify


For works of churches of Christ


A man carrying a Bible from which emanates an electrifying white light whose currents travel around his hand and arm illustrates the List of Tracts to Evangelize and Edify in editoriallapaz.org.


These subjects are available as Articles
and in PDF format for printing tracts.


They are also available in SPANISH in the same formats.


Six-page tracts

Two folds. One tract per letter-size sheet.


Article and TRACT

English     |     Español

JPEGs for digital projection


SIGNS taking place today in JEWS


In front of the Wailing Wall, part of the underpinning foundation of Herod’s temple, Jews celebrate the liberation of Jerusalem in June of 1967, a photograph that illustrates the subject Signs Taking Place Today in Jews and Gentiles, in editoriallapaz.org.


SIGNS taking place today in JEWS and GENTILES. ARTICLE


Are you aware of them? Are you a part of them? Do you not care? To IGNORE them is to risk future DANGERS!


The potent sign in 1967 having to do with Jerusalem’s being trodden underfoot by the Gentiles until their times should come to an end. The liberation of Jerusalem from Gentile rule in 1967 is among the most important signs of all times. The event was publicly foretold by a Jew 1,934 years before its astonishing unfolding.


God’s undying love for the Jews and how he has protected them from complete extermination foretold by a Jew of the first century.


The fantastic vision given to another Jew about a multitude of Jews being rescued and glorified during the days previous to the end of the world and time.


Gentiles. A mixture of sensual signs, libertine and rebellious, seen in masses of present-day Gentiles. Concisely identified.


The omnipresent Sign of Mammon, mostly invisible to the very religious people who are responsible for its existence, though it is seen even by the worldly. Present, like a bird of evil omen, wherever the very false Prosperity Gospel is preached, tithes are collected, religious objects are sold, etc.


The robust Sign of the False Prophet.


SIGNS Taking Place Today in Jews and Gentiles. PDF


SIGNS Taking Place Today in Jews and Gentiles. JPEG


This subject in SPANISH. ARTICLE. PDF and JPEG formats also available in Spanish.



Article and TRACT

English     |     Español



¡This WAY to HEAVEN!


This abstract of roads in space ilustrates the tract This Way to Heaven.


This WAY to HEAVEN! Of maps and routes in moral-spiritual territories.

Do you possess the only authentic map, the one Jesus Christ prepared?

Do you follow the map of the Old Testament? Or one your parents gave you? Or an old one, passed down from generation to generation, showing sacred places where there are relics or images? Places adorned according to religious traditions?

How many people know how to give good directions? How many know how to follow them?

Examples, with applications, of religious roads and places.

Do you know how to read maps? The New Testament map?

A fork in the Road of Life.

The Route of Faith. How to get started on it.

The alternative Route of Indifference and Sin.

The Toll Station of Repentance. How much do you have to pay?

After that Toll Station, the Waters of Baptism, with no bridge to the other side. What to do?

Be careful with the Detour of Doctrinal Distortions and the Forests of Christian Sectarianism!

The Narrow Way of Holiness to the celestial city of God.


PDF of This WAY to HEAVEN in the article format

This WAY to HEAVEN. Tract format. PDF

This WAY to HEAVEN. Two images JPEG


SPANISH VERSION of This Way to Heaven



Alphabetical Index of Subjects for this site



Article and TRACT

English     |     Español



Did you know…?  

Do you understand…?

This picture of a serious, intelligent looking owl illustrates the subject Did you know... Do you understand?, in editoriallapaz, events, facts and truths not commonly known by most people.


Did you know? Do you understand? ARTICLE.


Prophecies, promises, facts and truths that may well change the course of your life.

Very concise. Just a few minutes to read this message. It might serve to quickly fill empty areas, or shallow ones, in your knowledge or understanding.

To know is a privilege and a blessing. Do you concur? Understanding infuses knowledge with life and power. Implementing full understanding of correct knowledge in daily life is wise and spiritual. May this subject be a blessing to your soul and spirit.


Did you know… Do you understand? PDF

Did you know… Do you understand? JPEG

SPANISH VERSION of this article “Did you know… Do you understand?”



Article and TRACT

English     |     Español


JPEGs for digital projection


The Ideal Church,
according to God


EThis photograph of a man reading the Bible in a rural setting of a green field illustrates the subject The Ideal Church, According to God, in editoriallapaz.org.


The Ideal Church, according to God. ARTICLE.

Conceived by God. Established by Christ. Organized by the Holy Spirit. Made a reality by the apostles.

Do you know that church? The one Christ loves so much that he gave himself for it, sanctifying it, and glorifying his Father through it?

Twelve divine attributes of the ideal church presented concisely, with dozens of supporting Bible references. Six photographs and graphics.


The Ideal Church, according to God. PDF of this subject in tract format. Two folds; six pages, on letter size paper.

The Ideal Church, according to God. JPEG. An image of side A and another of side B of the format to print this subject as a tract.

This subject available in SPANISH as an Article, in PDF and in JPEG images




Article and TRACT

English     |     Español



What are the healthy,
good kinds of love?


En esta una pareja que porta una gran paraguas camina por una calle ancha a riberas de un lago hacia un ciudad, abstracto de muchos colores que ilustra el tema ¿Cuáles son los amores buenos?, en editoriallapaz.


What are the healthy, good kinds of love? ARTICLE.

Would you have the necessary credentials to identify and define them correctly?


The God of love identifies and defines at least twelve healthy, pure types of love. These are presented, with relevant Bible texts.


What it means to love “with all your strength.”


Positive actions define healthy, pure love.


Also, attributes assigned to love by the God of love. Four beautiful abstracts illustrate this article.


PDF format of What are the healthy, good kinds of love? For printing as a six-page tract.


Spanish version of What are the healthy, good kinds of love? ARTICLE    |     Versión en ESPAÑOL



Article and TRACT

English     |     Español



Can You Tell Me What Love Is?


Lines and areas of shimmering, luminous white light emanate from the clothing of a young couple in this elegant abstract which illustrates the subject Can you tell me what love is, in editoriallapaz.org.



Can you tell me what love is? Truly, I want to know. ARTICLE.

Youth, Roman Catholic priests, Pentecostals and evolutionists give unsatisfactory answers.


The author presents his credentials. Then, offers what he trusts will be a reasonable, consistent and encompassing answer, though not exhaustive.


Bad loves. Good loves.


Who to love. What to love.


How to love with all your strength. Positive actions define love. So do attributes.


What love sustains beyond the death of the physical body?


What love never ends?


How does your love compare?


PDF format of Can You Tell Me What Love is? For printing as six-page tract.


Spanish version of Can You Tell Me What Love Is?   |   Versión en ESPAÑOL



Article and TRACT

English     |     Español


JPEGs for digital projection.


Making Beautiful Music in the
Midst of Ruins of Life


This photograph of a solitary musician playing his cello en the midst of ruins illustrates the subject Making Beautiful Music in the Midst of ruins, in editoriallapaz.org.


Making Beautiful Music in the Midst of Ruins. Article.

A solitary cellist, formerly dressed, plays in the midst of the ruins of a severely damaged building.

Observations and applications for daily life.

Survive when life is surrounded by ruins, or becomes itself ruins, due to frustrations, failures or dreams turned to ashes?

A key to survive is to continue to make good music no matter the circumstances!

Dress neatly, and not with just any old sloppy clothes that would project lack of dignity, loss of hope and self-esteem.

Play the lyre of the heart, the cello of the mind and the harp of the spirit.


Making Beautiful Music in the Midst of Ruins. PDF


Making Beautiful Music in the Midst of Ruins. JPEG


This subject in SPANISH. ARTICLE. PDF and JPEG formats also available in Spanish.




Alphabetical Index of Subjects for this site



Article and TRACT

English     |     Español



Alarming, Vivid and Indelible Impressions
Registered by the Human Mind


In this marvelous graphic, a human being coming up a narrow road draws near a great Portal of Time between the earthly and the celestial, an illustration for the subject Alarming, Vivid and Indelible Impressions Registered on the Human Mind.


Alarming, Vivid and Unforgettable Impressions Registered by the Mind. ARTICLE.

What has been, for you, the most impressive, traumatic or unforgettable impression of your life to the present time? Negative or positive. Some possible examples given.

Snapshots the mind takes of events or circumstances that make an indelible impression, and its power to remember almost every detail, remembering them with astonishing accuracy even after decades.

A tremendous impression still awaiting you: Leaving the material-carnal Dimension and going through the Door of Time to the fully spiritual Dimension!

Who are seen first? Angels!

The testimony of Jesus Christ in His story of the rich man and Lazarus. Concise analysis and applications.

Smiles and congratulations on the way to Paradise! But, not for the rich man.

Five images illustrate this subject.


Alarming, Vivid and Indelible Impressions Registered by the Human Mind. PDF of this subject in tract format. Twoº º folds; six pages, on letter size paper.

This subject available in SPANISH as an Article, in PDF and in JPEG images





This photograph of scales and a gavel illustrates the subject Justice after Death, in editoriallapaz.org.

JUSTICE after DEATH! The righteous judgment of God.

Why after death?

The tragic List of culprits with citations to appear in the Celestial Supreme Court. Examples of the most evil souls that have caused tens of millions to suffer unjust and cruel deaths. Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot.

Many examples of accursed, corrupt, deceived, persecutors, criminals and depraved that do not receive their just deserts in this life.

Why the just judgment of God is necessary.

The day of righteous judgment evidences the existence of God.

Many more points and applications.


PDF of “Justice After Death.” To print 2 tracts per letter-size sheet.


This subject in SPANISH

Este tema en ESPAÑOL




Studies in the Bible and related subjects. Articles, tracts and Bible class guides. Slides for PowerPoint. PDF's. On this site. Signs of the times today. Prophecies past, present and future. Moral and social issues.. Sound doctrine on the divine plan of salvation and the church..

Tracts to Evangelize and Edify. List, with links. Available as articles and in PDF format for printing as tracts of two, four or six pages. Varied subjects for different uses. Also available in Spanish. Written especially for use by churches of Christ.

Alphabetical Index of Subjects in English on this site


Tracts in SPANISH. List, with links.