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La paz de Dios guarde su corazón. Su servidor en el Señor, Homero Shappley de Álamo


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Editorial La Paz

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Peace Publishers. Index C of moral, spiritual, Bible and religion materials in various formats.


World directory of churches of Christ www.churchofchrist.cc

Churches of Christ in the United States www.21stcc.com/ccusa/

www.apologeticspress.org  Much material on many, many Bible subjects. Special emphasis on the defense of the existence of God and the inspiration of the Bible.

Studies in the Bible and related subjects. Articles, tracts and Bible class guides. Slides for PowerPoint. PDF's. On this site.

Alphabetical Index of Subjects



A work of churches of Christ

Moral   |  Spiritual  |   Bible  |  Religion

Articles   PowerPoint   Tracts en PDF



The western hemisphere is highlighted on this globe of the Earth against a blue background, illustration for Index C of subjects in Peace Publishers.


Key words beginning with the letter…




Catastrophism -End of the World, Rapture, Wrath of God, Final Judgment. Four examples published by National Geographiconline, on the occasion of Harold Camping's prediction about May 21, 2011. Subtle Insinuations that all Christians are more or less like Camping and his followers. The huge injustice of lumping all Christians into one category and judging them by the most scatter brained, infantile and hypocritical. "Our commentary" follows each of the examples. "Hale-Boppalypse" -Tragedy in Los Angeles associated with the appearance of the Hale-Bogg comet in 1997. "Man-made Black Hole" -Some scientists feared The Large Hadron Collider might produce one that would consume the Earth.  "1666: Judgment by Fire" -The Great London Fire. The number 666 and the wrath of God. "Planetary Alignments: Doomsday Omens" -The conjunction of various planets, the sun and the moon in the year 2000. Predictions of disastrous effects on the Earth.  May 31, 2011. The original version of this study was in Spanish.

Catastrofismo -Fin del mundo, Rapto, Ira de Dios, Juicio Final.


Did you know? Do you understand? ARTICLE. Prophecies, promises, facts and truths that may well change the course of your life. Very concise. Just a few minutes to read this message. It might serve to quickly fill empty areas, or shallow ones, in your knowledge or understanding. To know is a privilege and a blessing. Do you concur? Understanding infuses knowledge with life and power. Implementing full understanding of correct knowledge in daily life is wise and spiritual. May this subject be a blessing to your soul and spirit. CELIBACY: Facts about it presented in this article.

Did you know… Do you understand? PDF

Did you know… Do you understand? JPEG

SPANISH VERSION of this article “Did you know… Do you understand?”

Character. Roll of Duty in its formation.

The Duty of Man. Desire as a great main sail. Duty as a powerful, reliable motor. Full text sermon.

I am a ship and Desire is my great main sail.

How beautiful is a great white sail swelled with a strong wind blowing constantly! Our ship cuts rapidly through the waters of life, with agility and confidence, and we feel excited, joyful, even euphoric.

But, it would behoove us to have taken the precaution of installing a good, powerful, reliable motor in the hull of our ship, less the winds cease to blow.

Obtaining a robust sense of Duty early in life is most wise and prudent. Youth in general has little appreciation for Duty, particularly, moral duty.

Strong, negative reactions to duty. Despising duty; hating the yoke of duty. Humans are not docile in the presence of duty.

Duty plays a key roll in the development of a sound, whole, mature CHARACTER. What the steel structure is to a building, duty is to the character of the human being.

A strong sense of Duty assures he fulfillment of responsibilities.

Duty propels us, drags us, pushes us, when the road of life becomes very steep and rocky.

Duty guards our souls from moral dangers that threaten to destroy us.

Children of Light. Ten slides, each with multiple graphics and texts. Study of Ephesians 5:1-14.

Children of Light, Let Us Keep the Darkness at Bay! Analysis of Ephesians 5:1-14. Ten slides prepared in PowerPoint. Standard size slides (4:3). For a sermon, conference or classes. God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the divine Word are all light. Born of them, true Christians are children of light. Made up of them, the church true to the Lord is also to be light in the darkness of incredulity and immorality in the world. The church represented as a fantastic Spiritual Space Ship of Light. Its occupants to take care their Ship does not slip from its orbit in celestial places, falling into darkness. Shameful things of darkness not even to be mentioned among the children of light. These things identified as fornication, uncleanness, filthiness, covetousness, course jesting and foolish talking. These things defined. Shameful to speak of them, but multitudes do, even with shameless pride. Because of such things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Preachers, teachers and all Christians to surround themselves with the Protective Crystal Sphere of an Incorruptible Faith as they move among the children of disobedience with the purpose of lighting up minds and souls filled with darkness. Messages from the Owners of the Spiritual Space Ship for those in darkness. Transported from the power of darkness to the Kingdom of light. All these teachings illustrated with impressive graphics.

Church of Christ

“On this rock I will build my church.” We invite you to learn about the church Christ built.

ARTICLE. The oldest. The original. The one which received apostolic instruction, and is under the “new covenant” of Christ. Are you concerned, confused or discouraged because of so many churches different in doctrine and practice? The fault is not that of Christ! He built only one church and gave it only one gospel. Do you agree? Do you know that church exist today? Impossible? By no means! The complete, divine model is in the Bible. Following it carefully, competent spiritual architects can reproduce it in any time or place of the Christian Age. A biblical name. An infallible creed. How we worship the “only true and living God.” How we pray to God. We sing, without playing musical instruments. How we finance our works. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every Sunday. How we are organized. How to be added to the church of Jesus Christ.

More than 9,000,000 printed in Spanish. Thousands of conversions attributed to it.

"On this rock I will build my church." PDF of this subject in tract format. Three folds; six pages, on legal size paper.

This subject available in SPANISH as an Article, in PDF and in JPEG images


Church. The Ideal Church. Article. Formatted for 6 page tract. PDF. JPEGS.

The Ideal Church, according to God. ARTICLE. Conceived by God. Established by Christ. Organized by the Holy Spirit. Made a reality by the apostles. Do you know that church? The one Christ loves so much that he gave himself for it, sanctifying it, and glorifying his Father through it? Twelve divine attributes of the ideal church presented concisely, with dozens of supporting Bible references. Six photographs and graphics. This subject is available to print as a tract. Two fold; six pages, with graphics. Print your own or requests copies.

The Ideal Church, according to God. PDF of this subject in tract format. Two folds; six pages, on letter size paper.

The Ideal Church, according to God. JPEG. An image of side A and another of side B of the format to print this subject as a tract.

This subject available in SPANISH as an Article, in PDF and in JPEG images

Church. Spiritual Space Ship. Ten slides of multiple images and texts.

Children of Light, Let Us Keep the Darkness at Bay! Analysis of Ephesians 5:1-14. Ten slides prepared in PowerPoint. Standard size slides (4:3). For a sermon, conference or classes. God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the divine Word are all light. Born of them, true Christians are children of light. Made up of them, the church true to the Lord is also to be light in the darkness of incredulity and immorality in the world. The church represented as a fantastic Spiritual Space Ship of Light. Its occupants to take care their Ship does not slip from its orbit in celestial places, falling into darkness. Shameful things of darkness not even to be mentioned among the children of light. These things identified as fornication, uncleanness, filthiness, covetousness, course jesting and foolish talking. These things defined. Shameful to speak of them, but multitudes do, even with shameless pride. Because of such things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Preachers, teachers and all Christians to surround themselves with the Protective Crystal Sphere of an Incorruptible Faith as they move among the children of disobedience with the purpose of lighting up minds and souls filled with darkness. Messages from the Owners of the Spiritual Space Ship for those in darkness. Transported from the power of darkness to the Kingdom of light. All these teachings illustrated with impressive graphics.

Commandments of Christ.

Obeying commandments an action of true love

What are the healthy, good kinds of love? Would you have the necessary credentials to identify and define them correctly? The God of love identifies and defines at least twelve healthy, pure types of love. These are presented, with relevant Bible texts. What it means to love “with all your strength.” Positive actions define healthy, pure love. Also, attributes assigned to love by the God of love. Four beautiful abstracts illustrate this article.


Communion Without Barriers. Comunión sin barreras. Opening Prayer - Oración de apertura. Bilingual service in English and Spanish. Servicio bilingüe en inglés y español. West Broward Church of Christ. Iglesia de Cristo West Broward, 12550 West Broward Blvd., Plantation, Florida. www.wbcoc.com  Oct. 22, 2017. English. Petition for divine light for all through songs, Lord’s Supper and preaching in both languages. Gratitude for God’s spiritual Kingdom where there are no barriers of race, etc. In it, neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female, bond nor free, black, white, brown, yellow nor red. Clear transparency of the soul purified in the blood of the Lamb. Oneness of mind and spirit. Discipline from above that we may always be respectful, friendly, loving, kind and encouraging. Español. Petición por luz divina mediante cánticos espirituales, la Cena del Señor y la predicación en ambos idiomas. Gratitud por el Reino espiritual de Dios donde no hay barreras raciales, etcétera. Donde no hay judío ni gentil, varón ni mujer, esclavo ni libre; prieto, blanco, pardo, amarillo ni rojo. La clara transparencia del alma purificada por la sangre del Cordero. Unidad de mente y espíritu. Disciplina del cielo para que seamos siempre respetuosos, amigables, amorosos, bondadosos y pronto para animar.

Culture. Hostile takeover of culture today

Our culture is experiencing a hostile takeover. We must stop rejecting God if we ever want it to end. Article by Sam Sorbo that analyzes succinctly today’s all-out war by peoples who hate God and Christianity to overthrow the Judeo-Christian ethic, eliminate God and suppress all religion, substituting for them Darwinian evolution, the You Only Live Once dictum, integral intolerance against conservatives, the elevation of feelings above truth; position, power and auto gratification above the correct, decent, right, etc. Reasons and concerns that motivated Kevin and Sam Sorbo to produce the film Let there be LIGHT for those who are in darkness.

Control. God is in control

Terrifying Mass Murder in Las Vegas. “Pure evil?” But, “God is in control!” Is that so? Then, why did he not take action to avoid the killing of 58 people and the wounding of 527? Among 22,000 spectators at a musical show in Las Vegas, scenes of blood, screams of pain and horror, of hundreds of dead and wounded, of desperately running this way and that to escape from the bullets, or of valiantly remaining on the site to help victims. Minds without God: Stephen Paddock, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Pol Pot. Why does not God annihilate such evil ones before they act? Various reasons identified and analyzed. God has absolute control over his plan for humanity and the material universe. That plan includes ceding Satan and his agents on earth certain powers and allowing him to exercise them for specific purposes and limited times. Why? The suffering and premature death of innocents. Is God near people who vehemently reject him? Present on battle fields and places like Las Vegas? In the casinos of Las Vegas? How to have God not only near but also within. Secure and saved eternally! How to assure such an outcome.



Alphabetical Index of Subjects

Studies in the Bible and related subjects. Articles, tracts and Bible class guides. Slides for PowerPoint. PDF's. On this site.

World directory of churches of Christ www.churchofchrist.cc

Churches of Christ in the United States www.21stcc.com/ccusa/

www.apologeticspress.org  Much material on many, many Bible subjects. Special emphasis on the defense of the existence of God and the inspiration of the Bible.